A2 1 READING 2 Indica a quale film corrispondono gli Guarda questa breve clip di Twilight e rispondi alle domande. eventi. VIDEO Twilight Movie clip (9/11) Vampire Baseball (2008) 1. Bella learns to use her new powers: posted by Movieclips 2. Edward and Bella reunite: 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Bella gets pregnant: 4. Edward asks Bella to marry him: 5. Edward saves Bella from evil vampires who want to kill her: 60 3 Where is the scene set? What are the characters doing? Why do they need thunder? What are the characters superpowers? Ascolta il brano Facts about vampires e completa la tabella. KET LISTENING Vampire s food 1. Origin of the name 2. Skin 3. Supernatural abilities 4. Protection from vampire s attack 5. Tools to kill a vampire 6. CREATIVITY DO-IT-YOURSELF 4 5 Completa il dialogo tra Bella e Edward (da Twilight) con le parti di testo mancanti, poi, a coppie inventate il proseguimento del dialogo con sei battute a testa. PAIR WORK WRITING SPEAKING WRITING GROUP WORK Dividetevi in gruppi e delineate una breve trama i cui protagonisti siano creature sovrannaturali (vampiri, lupi mannari, mostri, fate, fantasmi, etc.) scared out in sunlight we eat ice cold how long you are Bella: Your skin is pale white and 1. , your eyes change color, you never drink or eat anything, you don t go 2. . How old are you? Edward: Seventeen. Bella: 3. have you been seventeen? Edward: A while. Bella: I know what 4. . Edward: Say it. Bella: A vampire. Edward: Are you 5. ? Bella: No. Edward: Then I ask you a very basic thing: what do 6. ? Bella: You won t hurt me. ODDITIES Like a dream Stephanie Meyer, the author of the Twilight novels, says that the original story for Twilight came to her in a dream. She said she dreamt that a girl and a vampire were talking in a meadow . 113