A1 1 Scrivi il nome del supereroe a cui appartengono le seguenti caratteristiche. READING 1. Artistic talent: 2. Half-demon: ..................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... 3. Green hair: .............................................................................................................. 2 6. Red mask: ................................................................................................................ Rispondete alle domande. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 4. Telepathy: ................................................................................................................ 5. Superhuman strength: ............................................................................. READING SPEAKING PAIR WORK Why do teenagers read comics? What does Beast Boy look like? What are Raven s superpowers? What can Sam Alexander s helmet do? How old is Michelangelo? 3 WRITING Scrivi un breve testo (max. 40 parole) in cui parli del tuo fumetto o supereroe preferito e del motivo per cui ti piace. CRITICAL THINKING 4 VOCABULARY SPEAKING GROUP WORK Leggi il testo e traduci i termini in grassetto (usa il dizionario se necessario). Quali di questi superpoteri vorresti avere? Per cosa li useresti? Raccontalo alla classe. Superheroes and Superpowers Everybody wants to have special powers to use when we need it. Here are some: flight, to go away from bad situations; super speed, when we have a competition and our friends are too fast for us; invisibility, when we want to know what happens when we are not present. And why not super strength, when we want to smash things? But do superpowers have only positive effects? Well, if you want to be a superhero, you must also be very responsible of your special powers. For example, imagine you can generate energy blast: you must be careful when you use it. Or what if you can time travel and you change some important events? Well, it s not so easy being a superhero! Comiket, Japan Adapted from: https://www.goliath.com/comics/10-superpowers-wed-love-to-have/ DO-IT-YOURSELF ODDITIES 5 WRITING GROUP WORK Immaginate di essere creatori di fumetti. Che supereroe vorreste inventare? Scrivete un breve testo usando le seguenti domande come traccia e, a mano o usando una specifica app, disegnate il vostro superhero! Comiket The largest comics market in the world is Comiket, in Japan. Comiket is a bi-annual fair in Tokyo and it is dedicated to comic books. It takes place in winter and summer and people from all over the world go and buy or exchange comic books. Almost one million people were at the fair in 2019. What s your superhero s name? Where is she/he from? What does she/he look like? What does she/he wear? What are her/his superpowers? 13