A1+ A1 2 SPEAKING PAIR WORK A turno fate le domande e date le risposte. 1. What is Human Media Lab? 2. Where does the idea of this new technology come from? 3 1. 2. 3. 4. VOCABULARY WRITING 3. How can people use this new technology? 4. What s the challenge of Plastic Logic? Traduci le parole e poi inventa un a frase con ciascuna di esse. Flexible: ......................................................................................................................... To change: ................................................................................................................. Laboratory: ............................................................................................................... Mobile phone: ....................................................................................................... 5. 6. 7. 8. Resistant: .............................................................................................................. Health: ..................................................................................................................... Battery: ................................................................................................................... Scientist: ................................................................................................................ ICT LITERACY DO-IT-YOURSELF 4 5 Completa il testo con le parole mancanti. Poi con la classe fai una breve discussione che prenda spunto dalle domande suggerite. Concludete la discussione con 3/5 frasi in inglese per riassumere le vostre idee. READING SPEAKING WRITING CLASS WORK people ability problem artificial programs work things do human scientists Artificial Intelligence Intelligence is the 1. ................................................... to learn, make decisions and do 2. .................................................... When a computer or a robot solves a 3. ................................................... or uses languages, it seems to be intelligent. This type of intelligence is different from 4. ................................................... intelligence. It is called 5. ................................................... intelligence, or AI. 6. ................................................... are trying to make a robot with artificial intelligence that can think like humans. Artificial intelligence uses instructions that 7. ................................................... write. These instructions are called 8. .................................................... Computers use programs to analyse or 9. ................................................... things but so far , without humans, computers and robots cannot 10. .................................................... WRITING GROUP WORK Dividetevi in gruppi, fate una ricerca su alcune delle più grandi invenzioni della storia. Scegliete quella che ritenete più interessante, raccogliete immagini e informazioni e scrivetene una breve storia da presentare alla classe in modo originale. Seguite le seguenti domande come traccia. What s the name of the invention? Who invented it? When? What was / is its use? How did it change people s lives? Adapted from: https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/ artificial-intelligence/390648 1. What do you think humans have that computers do not have? 2. What are the possible risks of developing AIs that are more and more advanced? 3. Do you think AI can substitute humans? 45