A1+ Another famous lake is Loch Awe, surrounded by hills and castles. This lake is famous for the 15th-century castle ruins of Kilchurn Castle. Scotland s main islands are Shetland, Orkney, and the Hebrides, which are groups of small volcanic isles. They are mainly mountainous with rugged coasts. GLOSSARY beyond: oltre deep: profondo to improve: migliorare to increase: aumentare purpose: scopo 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 READING rugged: aspro, accidentato ruin: rovina soil: suolo top: cima waterfall: cascata wild: selvaggio Loch Awe Rispondi alle domande. What are the borders of Scotland? What is the soil of the Central Lowlands like? Why is Edinburgh famous? Why is Glasgow famous? What is Loch Ness? What is the territory of Scotland s islands like? Unisci i termini alla loro traduzione. a. Fattoria 1. Volcanic 2. Destination b. Vulcanico 3. Coast c. Costa 4. Farm d. Campagna 5. Countryside e. Lago 6. Lake f. Meta VOCABULARY 3 WRITING Ogni frase contiene un errore: correggilo e riscrivile. 1. Scotland borders with England to the west. 2. The Highlands are in the north. Their territory is fertile and mostly flat. 3. The Southern Uplands run from southwest to the east. 4. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and has a population of about 635,000 people. 5. The most famous lakes are in the Southern Uplands. 6. Scotland s islands are mainly flat. LITERACY 4 Leggete il testo, poi andate sul sito visitscotland.com, scegliete un articolo del blog e riassumetelo in massimo 2/3 slide o un poster. WRITING PAIR WORK Spirit of Scotland Scotland is one of the best holiday destinations in Europe. People love visiting this country full of history, mystery and unique natural scenery. There is a national association called Visit Scotland that works to promote tourism: its purpose is not only to increase the number of visitors, but also to improve the quality of their holidays in the country. Spirit of Scotland is a big, important campaign for tourism that evokes the emotion, spirit, and mystical qualities of this destination: people love visiting Scotland to be part of the tradition and mysticism of a country which is not only beautiful to visit but also beautiful to live in. Adapted from: https://www.visitscotland.org/ about-us/what-we-do/marketing DO-IT-YOURSELF 5 WRITING GROUP WORK La Scozia è famosa per i suoi laghi, per i simboli e le tradizioni. Lavorate in gruppo e scegliete uno dei seguenti aspetti su cui fare un cartellone: animals, food, traditions, pubs, symbols, lakes. 49