HISTORY The Thirteen American Colonies WARM-UP GROUP WORK Dividetevi in gruppi e guardate il video. Prendete appunti e confrontatevi. Vince il gruppo che riesce a prendere più appunti correttamente. Adapted from: "13 American Colonies" posted by Kids Academy In the 1500s, North America was a large wilderness . In England, most people were farmers, but life as a farmer was not easy and America was the only opportunity to improve their lives, so people became interested in going to America and starting new colonies. The first settlers, called the "Pilgrims", arrived at the beginning of the 17 century. Over the next century, the English established thirteen colonies and by 1750 almost two million Europeans lived there. th Jamestown, the first British colony in Virginia On May 13 , 1607, 104 English people arrived in Virginia. They founded Jamestown, a colony they named after King James I. The town became the first permanent English settlement in North America. It faced great difficulties, but it became rich thanks to the production and sale of tobacco. th Daily life in a colony Colonists had to work hard all year long just to survive . A typical day on the farm started early in the morning: the family had a quick breakfast of porridge and beer and then work started. The men worked in the fields ; the women cooked the meals, made candles and prepared food for the winter; and even children worked to help their families. In many areas there weren't any schools, so boys often learned how to read and write from their fathers or the local minister. Most girls didn't learn how to read and write at Colonies and Native Americans At the beginning, Native Americans and English settlers had a good relationship based on trade and spirituality, but soon disease and conflicts over the control of the land ruined it. Diseases were one of the major problems for the natives because they had no immunity to smallpox and tuberculosis, for example. Some colonial leaders believed that the death of so many Native Americans was a sign of God to support the colonists' right to the land. GLOSSARY : : : : : : : : : : : : : almost quasi disease malattia to establish stabilire field campo to found fondare to lead condurre relationship relazione right diritto settler colono smallpox vaiolo to survive sopravvivere trade commercio wilderness terra selvaggia