CITIES & LANDMARKS Cape Town Local slang WARM-UP Quali sono i monumenti o le attrazioni turistiche più importanti nel territorio in cui vivi? Fai un elenco e spiega brevemente cosa sono. SPEAKING The city is a melting pot of cultures which have influenced many aspects of life, from food to language, which is an interesting mixture of Afrikaans, English and local dialects. These are a few local phrases to try while visiting: Aweh (ah-weh): hello; Lekker (luh-kah): delicious and tasty (for food); Duidelik (day-duh-lik): amazing. Itinerary highlights Table Mountain 31 Cape Town is a colourful rainbow city, famous for its multicultural diversity and situated between the harbour and Table Mountain. The history of Cape Town Cape Town has its origins in 1652, when the Dutch East India Company established a supply station for its ships on the shores of Table Bay, the natural bay of the city. In 1781 the French established a military station to help the Dutch defend the city against British attack, and the French presence had a deep impact on local architecture and culture. British occupation in the 19th century brought a new parliamentary system and freedom for the indigenous slaves . Today, Cape Town is a modern city and a major economic centre with a beautiful location and a cosmopolitan population. 1 READING Rispondi alle domande. 1. Why is Cape Town called the rainbow city ? 2. How did the French influence the history of Cape Town? 3. What is the origin of Cape Town local slang? 4. What is Table Mountain? 70 Table Mountain, a flat-topped mountain overlooking the city, is the best place for an aerial view of Cape Town. Many visitors use the cable way to reach its top where there are lots of footpaths offering hiking opportunities. Victoria & Alfred Waterfront is one of Africa s most visited destinations, in the oldest harbour of Cape Town with Table Mountain as background, and it has more than 24 million visitors annually. The waterfront is named after Prince Alfred, who built the harbour in 1860, and his mother, Queen Victoria. It is a great place for going shopping and spending one s free time among a skateboard park, a basketball court, picnic areas, a scooter track and the Chavonnes Battery Museum, which contains the remains of an 18th century fortification that protected the city. Victoria and Alfred Waterfront 5. Why is the waterfront of the city called Alfred and Victoria? 6. What is Chavonnes Battery Museum? 7. Why are Cape Town beaches famous? 8. What is the Company s Garden?