A2 Natural beauties 2 There are landscapes that you can find only in the USA. Death Valley is a desert in eastern California: it is the lowest point on earth (86 mt below the sea level) with the hottest temperature recorded (50°C!). Its name comes from a group of pioneers who died here in the winter of 1849. The Grand Canyon was formed by the erosion of the Colorado River in Arizona. It is beautiful and rich in geological and archeological treasures . Hawaii is a chain of volcanic islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It has hundreds of islands but only eight are inhabited. Hawaii is surfers paradise, with beautiful, sandy beaches surrounded by green volcanic mountains. Niagara Falls is a group of three waterfalls on the border of New York and Canada. They are the second largest waterfalls in the world after Victoria Falls in Africa. READING Indica se le frasi sono vere o false. Correggi le false. T F 1. Russia and Canada are bigger than the USA. 2. In the southern States, some official documents are also written in Spanish. 3. The Great Lakes include Erie, Ontario and Mississippi. 4. The Great Plains are in the Midwest States. 5. Only eight islands in Hawaii are inhabited. 6. Niagara Falls are the biggest in the world. 3 Dividetevi in piccoli gruppi, guardate il video su New York City, poi fate una raccolta di appunti sulle principali informazioni/attrazioni. WRITING GROUP WORK New York City - USA posted by e-language SDG 15 - LIFE ON LAND ODDITIES 4 K lauea volcano K -lauea is the most active volcano in Hawaii. It started its cycle in 1983 and since then it has erupted sixty times, with eruptions that have lasted from a few days to several months. In these forty years, its activity has been almost uninterrupted. Completate il testo con le parole mancanti, poi raccogliete informazioni e dati sulla deforestazione e su associazioni che si occupano di contrastarla. Presentate il lavoro alla classe usando un massimo di due slide. READING VOCABULARY GROUP WORK survive change Mountains wildlife ability purpose Protecting American Forests Goal 15 of the 2030 Agenda is aimed at protecting and promoting a sustainable management of forests, fighting desertification. Healthy forests are a good way to slow climate 1. and its impact on our lives. Forests also provide habitat for 2. and a clean, abundant supply of water for people. American Forests Organization is a community whose 3. is to protect biodiversity and preserve American forests from the negative impact of urbanisation and industrialisation. About 80% of animals need forests to 4. , even species that live in the water. Grizzly bears, coyotes and cougars of the Rocky 5. are at risk because of deforestation and forest degradation caused by climate change, drought and wildfires. In addition, urbanisation is pushing many species into smaller forest habitats, threatening their 6. to survive and multiply. Adapted from: https://www.americanforests.org/ DO-IT-YOURSELF 5 WRITING GROUP WORK Scegliete uno degli stati degli USA e create un infografica che tratti i seguenti punti. Geographical features Climate Main cities Landmarks Curious things to know Famous people/events, etc. 95