Before Watching

6. Answer the following questions.

  1. What language do the words “micro” and “bios” – from which microbiome derives – come from?

  2. The word gut refers to the __________ system.

    • a. digestive
    • b. circulatory
    • c. respiratory

While Watching

7. Watch the video and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Then correct the false statements.

  1. The lowest density of microorganisms is in our gastrointestinal tract.
    ☐ T ☐ F

  2. Only complex carbohydrates will be difficult to digest without microbiomes.
    ☐ T ☐ F

  3. We could preserve ourselves from ulcers by preserving microbiomes in our stomach.
    ☐ T ☐ F

  4. Dysbiosis is referred to a healthy presence of microorganisms in our intestine.
    ☐ T ☐ F

  5. Good digestion understimulates our nervous system.
    ☐ T ☐ F

  6. Anxiety and bad digestion may be linked.
    ☐ T ☐ F

  7. Medications do not affect our microbiota balance.
    ☐ T ☐ F

  8. Exercising outdoors helps our microbiota balance.
    ☐ T ☐ F

After Watching

8. Watch the video again and complete the following sentences.

  1. Our bodies are home to over __________ trillion microorganisms.

  2. Over the __________ of the __________, microbes have evolved with us and have an important role in the human body.

  3. The microbiome also helps provide __________ and __________ needed to survive.

  4. A __________ __________ called Helicobacter pylori causes stomach ulcers.

  5. Studies have also linked a diverse microbiome to improved __________ and __________ health, __________ control, reduced blood __________ levels and a lower risk of diabetes.

  6. A gut with reduced microbial __________ may be more susceptible to __________.

Moving Further

9. Surf the Net and discover more about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ microbes. Then, show the results of your project with a PowerPoint presentation to the rest of the class.