Anatomy and Physiology


Do you know the difference between anatomy and physiology?
Choose the correct option.
Anatomy studies the function / structure of the body, while physiology is about the function / structure of its parts.

Anatomy and Physiology are branches of Biology that are strictly connected.
Anatomy is about structure, physiology is about function: anatomy studies the form and composition of the body’s parts, and physiology studies how those parts work together to support life.



Macroscopic anatomy studies the structures of the body visible to the naked eye. Microscopic anatomy studies small structures that cannot be seen without equipment such as a microscope. It includes cytology, the study of cells, and histology, the study of tissues1. The anatomy of each body part determines what types of functions that part can perform.


Physiology studies molecules, cells, organs, muscles and their chemical processes and functions.
It centres on the body’s tendency to maintain homeostasis1, the internal balance in the body which allows organisms to remain healthy. Both anatomy and physiology are concerned with the main organ systems.


1 A tissue is also a piece of soft paper to absorb liquids, used especially as a handkerchief.


1 Homeostasis is keeping the body’s internal environment
in a steady state. Can you list some factors that need to be kept at steady levels in the body?

Structural Organisation

The human body has different structural levels of organisation starting from atoms and molecules and increasing in size and complexity to cells, tissues, organs and the systems which make up the complete organism.

  • The cell is the smallest independent unit of life and its main functions are growth, metabolism, and reproduction.
  • A tissue is made up of many similar cells that perform a specific function. There are four different types of tissue: epithelial, connective, nervous and muscle tissue.
  • An organ is an integrated collection of two or more kinds of tissues that work together to perform a function, e.g. the heart.
  • A system is a group of organs that work together to perform major functions, e.g. the digestive system.
  • The various organs of the body form the entire organism.