
7. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you know what poliomyelitis is and what the consequences of the infection can be?
2. Can you name other viral infections that were fought and almost totally won by vaccines in the past?


8. Watch the video and answer the questions below.

1. When did the polio virus spread?
2. What were the consequences of the outbreak of the virus?
3. What happened to kids infected with polio?
4. When was the first effective vaccine against polio created?
5. What was Salk’s revolutionary idea?
6. How many children were infected with the virus in 1952?

After Watching

9. Watch the video again and complete the following statements with one, two, or three words.

1. Jonas Salk was well aware of the _______________________________ _______________________________ of his work.
2. Salk tested the polio vaccine on _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________.
3. The children were lined up to get _______________________________.
4. After creating the vaccine, Salk created an _______________________________ _______________________________ that would focus not only on _______________________________ but also on the human condition.
5. Its location was on the _______________________________ of La Jolla and it overlooks the _______________________________.
6. San Diego became a _______________________________ mecca

Moving Further

10. Another scientist, Albert Sabin, developed a polio vaccine in 1954. Use the Net and find out about Dr. Sabin and his work; then, report your findings to the whole class (video, PPT presentation, etc.). Include the following points:

  • a short biography of Albert Sabin
  • the differences between Salk’s and Sabin’s vaccines
  • how successful the two vaccines were