7. Read the passage and answer the questions below.

Entomophagy or eating insects is gradually becoming popular, as insects are a sustainable source of protein and micronutrients. Additionally, the carbon footprint of insects is negligible compared to livestock. There are 2141 varieties of edible insects around the world, but they are still not considered an option in many countries.

Recent studies have proven that insect protein is the best alternative to animal protein. As the human population is estimated to touch 9.8 billion by the 2050s, the current rate of food production has to be increased. However, extending agriculture is not a practical solution because of limitations in land availability. To meet the protein requirements of the growing population, more livestock has to be reared. Feed requirements of livestock are so high that more feed sources have to be found out. Livestock is the major contributor to the emission of greenhouse gases, so extending production will negatively affect the environment.

Insect meat is rich in micronutrients like iron, calcium, manganese, copper and several essential amino acids. It has a low amount of carbohydrates and fat. Insects release minimal greenhouse gases compared to livestock. Studies have shown that insects for animal feed can even be grown in organic and kitchen waste, thus helping with the problem of organic waste management.
Even though there are many benefits of including insects into our diet, the aversion towards them still exists. However, in many countries, there is now a growing appreciation of insects as food.

To know about edible insects, the modern world has to approach ethnic communities, accepting their practices and implementing them. But researchers fear that when that happens, these communities might start overharvesting these insects from the wild, in order to face an increasing demand. This would affect the insect biodiversity. So far, entomophagy has been a highly sustainable practice, but to feed the increasing demand, the wild insect population would never be enough. So, it is important that necessary changes are made to ensure the continued sustainability of this practice.


1. What problem will the constant increase in the world population bring about?
2. According to recent studies, what type of nutrient can insect replace?
3. What is the advantage of edible insects over livestock?
4. What nutrients can insect meat provide?
5. From a nutritional point of view, why can insect meat be considered a healthy choice?
6. How can insect used to feed animals help with waste management?
7. Are edible insects appreciated all over the world?
8. What is the most suitable approach to know about edible insects?
9. What do researchers fear if the demand for insects increases?
10. What can be damaged if this happens?



aversion: disgusto
carbon footprint: l'impronta di carbonio
feed: cibo per animali
edible: commestibile
to implement: applicare
livestock: bestie da allevamento
major: principale
negligible: insignificante
to rear: allevare
to release: rilasciare