Tracking Plastic in the Ocean


Before Watching

8. How often do you use these plastic items?

Item Every day Once a week Never
1. plastic bottle
2. plastic bag
3. yoghurt pot
4. toothbrush
5. fruit and vegetables package
6. clothes made from acrylic material
7. sneakers made from synthetic material
8. school items (pencil case, book cover, etc.)

While Watching

9. Watch the video at home and choose the right option.

1. Seeker is ...
a. a kind of fish
b. a boat
c. the surname of a scientist

2. What is meant by ‘gyres’?
a. Electronic instruments to detect plastic
b. Types of plastic
c. Large oceanic circular currents

3. The ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ started in 1990 when a container ship spilled ... into the oceans.
a. 610,000 plastic straws
b. 61,000 sneakers
c. 6,100 plastic glasses

4. One of the instruments used in the research is a ...
a. spectroscopy
b. microscope
c. telescope

5. One of the solutions to the problem of plastic could come from ...
a. new kinds of packaging
b. stopping the production of plastic objects
c. improving the way of plastic tracking in the oceans

After Watching

10. Watch the video again and answer the following questions.

1. Summarize what Marcus Eriksen, the environmental scientist, says about the ocean gyres.

2. What does Captain Charles Moore say about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

3. What does Dr. Sarah-Jeanne Royer say about the protocols used to track plastic objects in the sea?

4. What does the video show about the life cycle of plastic?

5. What are Materials scientists studying to clean up ocean plastics?

Moving Further

11. GROUP WORK: Prepare a PowerPoint presentation explaining the widespread problem of plastic pollution affecting the marine ecosystem.