Citizenship EU CO2 EMIssION PERFORMANCE sTANDARDs FOR NEW HEAVY-DUTY VEHICLEs In February 2023 and in line with the European green Deal objectives, the European Commission has proposed ambitious CO2 emissions targets for new heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) from 2030 onwards. These targets will help to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector: trucks, city buses, and longdistance buses are responsible for over 6% of total EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and more than 25% of GHG emissions from road transport. CO2 Reduction phases The Commission proposes phasing in stronger CO2 emissions standards for almost all new HDVs with certified CO2 emissions, compared to 2019 levels, specifically: 45% emissions reductions from 2030; 65% emission reductions from 2035; 90% emissions reduction from 2040. HDV CO2 emissions Emissions in the HDV sector have been increasing since 2014, with the exception of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Especially in the freight sector, emissions are increasing rapidly due to growing road transport demand. In 2019, HVD freight emissions were: 44% higher than emissions from the aviation sector; 37% higher than maritime transport emissions. The vast majority of HDVs in the EU fleet currently run on internal combustion engines, fuelled largely by imported fossil fuels. Advantages of a common framework The EU is a market leader in the production of trucks and buses and a common legal framework will help to: secure the market position for the future; support the European clean tech industry; boost international competitiveness. Need for investments To support this proposal, investments need to be channelled into zero-emission vehicles and into the recharging and refuelling infrastructure. The Commission has already proposed the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation to develop the necessary charging infrastructure to support the HDVs green transition. In particular, the Commission proposed to install charging and fuelling points at regular intervals on major highways: every 60 kilometres for electric charging, and every 150 kilometres for hydrogen refuelling. to boost: incoraggiare, promuovere freight: trasporto merci to phase in: inserire gradualmente 11 grOUP WOrK in groups, discuss and answer the question. On top of emission reductions, what are other possible benefits of stronger CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles? 212 EnginEEring MechPower.indb 212 30/01/24 17:09
Citizenship - EU CO2 emission performance standards for new heavy-duty vehicles