4 Answer the questions.
1. Why are olive trees called permanent oil seed crop?
2. What climate conditions are not favourable for olive trees?
3. Where does the oil palm tree come from?
4. What is palm oil used for?
5. What is coconut oil derived from?
6. How is the coconut oil obtained?
5 Watch the video and complete the sentences.
1. Being a monoecious crop means having both ........................................................... and ........................................................... flowers on the same tree.
2. Palm trees may be higher than ........................................................... feet.
3. The first fruits appear after ........................................................... of field planting.
4. The weight of a fresh fruit bunch ranges between ........................................................... and ...........................................................
5. The maximum yield of the tenera variety is ........................................................... tonnes of crude palm oil.
6. Oil palm yield is ........................................................... greater than other crops.
6 Describe this bar chart about the worldwide oilseed production in 2022/2023 by type.
bloom : fioritura
coconut-oil cake : panello di olio di cocco
copra : endosperma del frutto della noce di cocco
fruitlet : drupa
kernel : nocciolo
monoecious crop : coltura monoica
shoot : germoglio