13 Find the words in the text which correspond to these definitions.
1. General course or prevailing tendency.
2. Operating or controlled from a distance.
3. System or group of interconnected elements.
4. Hardware or software used to host an application or service. .....................................................................................................................
5. Virtual storage space on the Internet.
6. To get by effort. ...............................................................................................
7. The condition of being successful. ................................................
8. Overflow of water that submerges land.
9. An extended shortage of water. ......................................................
10. To discover. ...........................................................................................................

14 Answer the questions.
1. What two elements is the transformation of Agriculture 4.0 based on?
2. What can influence productivity increase?
3. How do different devices communicate with each other?
4. What is data/information exchange useful for?
5. How could a network of sensors positioned in cultivated land be useful?
6. What threats can be detected by IoT technology?

15 Watch a video about IoT in agriculture and say if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. Food production should be independent from population growth.
▢ T ▢ F
2. Data-driven agriculture should be available to every farmer.
▢ T ▢ F
3. Expensive sensors will monitor the soil in real time.
▢ T ▢ F
4. The higher the costs, the higher the yield will be.
▢ T ▢ F
5. IoT will help farmers choose the best time, place and cultivation methods to grow a crop.
▢ T ▢ F
6. Artificial Intelligence is essential for human knowledge.
▢ T ▢ F




enabler : facilitatore
leak : perdita
moisture : umidità
network infrastructure : insieme di device hardware, applicazioni software, e servizi di rete
poaching : bracconaggio
regulatory compliance : conformità normativa
reside : risiedere
threat : minaccia