1 Answer the questions.

1. Why should mature trees, snags and decomposing logs be preserved?
2. What are keystone species useful for?
3. What kind of tree species should be used to restore degraded lands?
4. Why should the fragmentation of natural forest areas be minimised?
5. What are ecological corridors useful for?
6. What are the advantages of the dispersion of wildlife?

Ecological corridor

2 Elicit from the text what to do and why in order to safeguard biodiversity.

3 Listen to the text and choose the correct option.
1. a. Canadians are particularly involved in conserving and protecting their forests.
b. Forest conservation and protection is not of primary importance.

2. a. There are more forested areas in Europe than in Canada.
b. There are more forested areas in Canada than in any other country.

3. a. The forest conservation programme does not affect areas where wood harvesting occurs.
b. Even areas where wood harvesting occurs are included in the forest conservation programme.

4. a. The conservation policy implies specific guidelines for provincial areas.
b. The conservation policy implies overall guidelines for the whole country.

5. a. Trees of various species must be planted.
b. Trees of the same species must be concentrated in specific areas.

6. a. The marine environment is disregarded.
b. The marine environment is taken into account by the forest protection policy.

7. a. The Canadian forest conservation is particularly involved in safeguarding protected areas.
b. The Canadian forest conservation strategy ignores protected areas.

8. a. There is no restriction on industrial activities in protected areas.
b. Some activities are banned in protected areas.

9. a. Harvesting, mining and hydroelectric development are forbidden in the majority of protected areas.
b. Harvesting, mining and hydroelectric development are allowed in about 95% of all protected areas.

10. a. All conservation and protection efforts are science-based.
b. Only some conservation activities are grounded in science.


to harbour: dare asilo
inheritance: patrimonio
keystone: fondamentale
log: tronco
to log: abbattere alberi, far legname
pollinator: impollinatore
seed disperser: dispersore di semi
snag: troncone