Cover Frankenstein_Copertina Oliver 15/05/24 10:50 Pagina 1 R A2 (Waystage) A I N B O W Elementary A2 S ELEMENTARY R free audio mp3 A I N B O W S Approx. number of head-words: 700 beginner A1 (Breakthrough) Levels of accredited examination boards: elementary A2 (Waystage) Cambridge English: Trinity: City & Guilds (Pitman): ESB: Edexcel: pre-intermediate B1 (Threshold) intermediate B2 (Vantage) post-intermediate C1 (Effectiveness) Flyers / Key (KET) Grade 3, 4 Elementary Foundation 3 Basic This volume is accompanied by a full recording of the text. Scan the QR CODE inside the book. Teacher s Resources available online: Answer Key, Audioscripts, Summing-up Activities. IN TE NS 6 KE 19 AN . 2 O FR Cod ISC ED Questo volume, sprovvisto di talloncino a fronte, è da considerarsi copia di SAGGIO-CAMPIONE GRATUITO, fuori commercio (vendita e altri atti di disposizione vietati: art. 17, L. 633/1941). Esente da I.V.A. (D.P.R. n. 633/1972, art. 2). ISBN 978-88-441-2196-9 9,80 9 788844 121969 Frankenstein Mary Shelley Frankenstein A deep reflection on the importance of taking care of children and the risks of going beyond human limits, this story, written by Mary Shelley at the beginning of the 19th century, was one of the first science-fiction books. Following his love for science and impressed by a flash of lightning that burns down a tree, Dr Frankenstein gives life to a dead body. But the living creature only inspires terror and first his father and then all the other human beings that he meets isolate him from society. His solitude and sadness will cause a desire for revenge with a tragic end. Mary Shelley Frankenstein