E X T EFrankenstein N S I O N CELTIC HISTORY Probably the first Celtic peoples1 arrive in Britain in the early Iron Age2. On the island they find a non-Indo-European race3 and together they give birth4 to a specific Celtic group. Traditionally navigators, the Celts that live in Britain maintain relations with the continent, especially for trade5. The arrival of foreign6 populations in the islands does not create problems; on the contrary, the Celts mix7 with these peoples. The Celtic culture remains alive8 even after the Roman colonization that finishes at the beginning9 of the V century A.D.10. When the Romans leave the island, Germanic tribes from the Continent invade Britain. They are the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes. Probably the famous King Arthur is a Romanised Breton, a leader in the revolt against the Anglo-Saxon invasion. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. peoples: popolazioni. Iron Age: Età del Ferro. race: razza. give birth: dare origine. trade: commercio. foreign: straniero. 7. 8. 9. 10. mix: mescolarsi. alive: vivo. beginning: inizio. A.D. (Anno Domini): dopo Cristo (lett. Anno del Signore). Barbarian warriors. 15