Tom Matrix has the extraordinary possibility of travelling through time and space thanks to his virtual reality helmet. He visits the Celts where he meets a fierce but friendly warrior who introduces him to the usages and costumes of his people.A comic-strip historical excursus which enables the reader to learn about the main aspects of one of the most interesting European cultures of the past.
The inserts are about music, Druids, King Arthur and other topics related to the Celtic tradition.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Key to Summing-up Activities.
Tom Matrix ha la straordinaria possibilità di viaggiare nel tempo e nello spazio con il suo caschetto di realtà virtuale. Si reca presso i Celti, dove incontra un fiero guerriero che gli fa conoscere usi e costumi della sua gente.
Un excursus storico che porta il lettore ad apprendere aspetti di una delle più interessanti culture europee del passato..
Chapter 1 – A strange encounter5Extension: • Celtic history15Extension: • Celts through Roman eyes16Chapter 2 – We are the champions18Extension: • Asterix30Extension: • King Arthur and Excalibur31Chapter 3 – The way we live33Extension: • Celtic villages42Extension: • Clothes and ornaments43Chapter 4 – Who are those men?45Extension: • Who are the Druids?58Extension: • Stonehenge59Chapter 5 – There’s a party61Extension: • The Bards74Extension: • Celtic music75Glossary78