E X T EFrankenstein N S I O N CELTS THROUGH ROMAN EYES The Celts frighten the Romans because they are tall, pale1 and blond. They look very different from Mediterranean peoples. Historians write that most2 of the Celts have no beard3; the nobles have a big moustache4. They have strange hair: it s usually like a horse s mane5. In some tribes they have a knot6 on their heads. Some historians say that Celts try to keep fit7, other writers say that they eat and drink too much so that they become fat. 1. 2. 3. 4. pale: pallido. most: la maggior parte. beard: barba. moustache: baffi. 5. mane: criniera. 6. knot: crocchia (lett.: nodo). 7. to keep fit: mantenersi in forma. Celts at war. 16