Intrigued by an archaeological find, a mysterious golden object, Tom Matrix visits the Anglo-Saxons thanks to his virtual reality helmet.Tom learns about their culture, customs and traditions. He also learns about their literary works (The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Beowulf ) and famous people of the time (the Venerable Bede, Alfred the Great); he meets the indefatigable monks of a monastery and a friendly, pretty girl named Darlene.
However, the possession of the mysterious golden object gets him into serious trouble and leads to an unimaginable surprise…
A comic-strip historical journey through time and space which enables the reader to meet these the Germanic people who invaded Britain in the 5th century.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Key to Summing-up Activities.
Incuriosito dal ritrovamento archeologico di un misterioso oggetto d’oro, Tom Matrix si reca presso gli Anglo-Sassoni grazie al suo caschetto di realtà virtuale. Un viaggio nel tempo e nello spazio che ci fa incontrare questi popoli germanici che invasero la Britannia nel V secolo.
Tom apprende i loro usi e costumi; viene a conoscenza del loro patrimonio culturale, di personaggi famosi e meno famosi e di una dolce e graziosa fanciulla di nome Darlene. Tuttavia, il possesso del misterioso e prezioso oggetto gli riserva seri guai e un’impensabile sorpresa……
Chapter 1 – A mysterious and precious find5Extension: Archaeological sites14Chapter 2 – Stranger in a strange land15Extension: Anglo-Saxon England: from the Dark Ages to the Norman invasion24Chapter 3 – A kind and educated brother26Extension: Language: the Anglo-Saxon heritage35Chapter 4 – It’s a hard life36Extension: Gods and goddesses45Chapter 5 – I still haven’t found what I’m looking for46Extension: The first missionaries55Chapter 6 – Let’s dance56Extension: Beowulf65Chapter 7 – Who’s that boy?67Extension: Christian literature76Chapter 8 – I want to be free78Extension: Government and society87Summing-up activities88Glossary91