Stranger in a strange land Chapter BEFORE READING 1 2 The story so far. Complete the following passage with the words given in the box. site deserted boy archaeology virtual helmet object metal computers Tom is a .............................. that likes .............................. very much. One day he goes to see the archaeological ............................ of Sutton Hoo.There he meets Dave, a young .............................. student. Dave shows Tom a .......................... object. Tom decides to find out what the .......................... is. He puts on his .............................. and travels.Tom lands in a .............................. place. A man comes near him. 2 Tick the right sentences among the ones written below. c c c c c 3 The The The The The man man man man man is small and thin. looks self-confident. has a sword. goes towards Tom with a smile. speaks English. Write the correct word under each illustration choosing from the following. belt spear shield sword mantle helmet ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. 15