S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S COMPREHENSION 1 Fill in the summary of The Anglo-Saxons with the right verbs using the appropriate form of Present (Simple or Continuous). succeed arrive be wait show visit see eat work go dance land want (2) escape explain tell travel invite take Tom Matrix .................................... to Anglo-Saxon times. He ..................................... on a beach near the sea and there he ................................... a man,Tiwon. He ............................. a sailor and a warrior. Tiwon ............................. his ship and ....................................... to teach him to row. Tom ................................... and .............................. near a church. There Aelfric, a monk, .............................. the life in the monastery to Tom and ......................................... him about AngloSaxon history. But monks ............................... a lot and ............................... little, so Tom ................................... away again. He ................................... a village where Darlene, a pretty and young girl, ........................................... him to a party. But while they ................................, two warriors ................................ him away: the wise men of the Witan ..................................... to talk to him. Fortunately he ................................. in coming back to modern times, but maybe a new adventure ...................................... for him. 2 Answer the following questions about Anglo-Saxon history. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. t When did the Anglo-Saxons arrive in Britain? Where did they come from? Why did they come to Britain? How were they divided? Who was their most famous king? What did they think happened after death? Who was the Pope that sent St. Augustine to Christianise h e m ? h. Who was the Venerable Bede? ...................................................................... i. What did he write? ................................................................................................ j. What was the Witan? ........................................................................................... 88