E X T EFrankenstein N S I O N CELTIC MUSIC Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Breton and Galician music is called Celtic music. It s a relaxing and dreamy1 music. Many instruments are still used by folk2 players in their original Celtic form. For example: the Celtic harp, the whistle3 and the bodhran, a kind of drum4. During the Whistles Celtic harps centuries, other instruments, typical of agricultural communities, become5 very popular. Among these: bagpipes6, tin7 whistles, accordions8, guitars, violins (the famous Irish fiddle) and simply9 the voice. Bagpipes Bodhran Accordion Violins Some modern bands mix new influences with the tradition. Here are some famous names. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. deamy: che fa sognare. folk: popolare. whistle: zufolo. drum: tamburo. become: diventare. 6. 7. 8. 9. 75 bagpipes: cornamusa. tin: latta. accordion: fisarmonica. simply: semplicemente.