E X T EFrankenstein N S I O N THE BARDS From Tom s diary. Generally at festivals there are singers called parasites (word that means companions in Celtic language). They sing before the assembly. These poets or bards are like rock-stars: rich and famous. A true bard knows about 360 poems by heart1. How can they learn them? They lie2 on the floor with a rock on their stomachs and a blanket3 on their faces and repeat the poems. How can you recognise a poet? It s easy! They tell the verses in the villages during festivals or ceremonies. They have a metal branch4 with some bells5. The branch is made of brass6, silver or gold. Their clothes are quite original, too. They usually wear a mantle with duck7 feathers. The most famous poets wear the head of a swan8 on their shoulders because the swan represents the unity of body and soul9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. by heart: a memoria. lie: stare sdraiato. blanket: coperta. branch: ramo. bell: campanello. brass: ottone. duck: anatra. swan: cigno. soul: anima. A crwth, instrument played by the bards. 74