E X T EFrankenstein N S I O N STONEHENGE Stonehenge is a monument that belongs1 to the Neolithic Age. It is a circle of many stones, most of them now fallen2. Stonehenge is an archaeological monument and a work of art. The large stones are curved at the top3, like the columns of Greek temples. The astronomers consider Stonehenge an observatory of the heavens4. Looking at the position of the stones, it is possible to calculate eclipses and see heavenly bodies5 that cross the universe. In 1135 Geoffrey of Monmouth is the first who writes about Stonehenge. He says that a group of Giants coming from Africa to Ireland brought6 these stones and that Merlin the Magician made them fly7 to Britain. 1. 2. 3. 4. belong: appartenere. fallen: caduto. top: cima. heaven: cielo. 5. heavenly bodies: corpi celesti. 6. brought: portarono. 7. made them fly: li fece volare. 59