E X T E N S I O N FROM MARY SHELLEY S FRANKENSTEIN Read this abridged version of a passage from the novel that Mary Shelley wrote in 1818. It is about the creation of the monster and the reactions of his creator. From Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, Chapter V. It was a gloomy night in November when I gave life to the motionless thing at my feet. It was already one in the morning and the rain pattered1 against the windows. My candle was nearly burnt out but I could see the dull eyes of the creature open. How can I explain my emotions? How can I describe the miserable being that was there, looking at me? His limbs2 and skin and hair were all perfect but formed a horrid contrast with his watery3 dull4 eyes. What creature have I created? I asked myself. I could not control my emotions at this catastrophe. Two years spent with only one purpose: to infuse5 life into an inanimate body. Now the dream vanished6 and only horror and disgust filled my heart. I went to my bedroom but I was unable to rest. When I fell asleep I was disturbed by horrible dreams. I saw Elizabeth walking in the street. I went to her and embraced her but she became livid and worms filled her body. I suddenly woke up. He was in front of me. The creature, the miserable monster fixed his eyes on me and tried to speak. I could not listen. 4. dull: not lively. 5. infuse: put. 6. vanished: went away. 1. pattered: hit and made a quiet sound. 2. limbs: arms and legs. 3. watery: without expression. 68