Frederick Frankenstein, a young American surgeon, has inherited a castle in Transylvania from his grandfather Victor, the famous scientist who had given life to inanimate tissues, creating a monster.Together with a humpback, an attractive assistant and the old housekeeper, the grandson successfully repeats the experiment, after finding his grandfather’s books and notes.
However, something goes wrong and the creature turns out to be a dangerous monster. The final dramatic turns of events are surprising and funny.
From Mel Brooks’ exhilarating film masterpiece, a comical parody of the gothic and horror genre.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Summing-up Activities
Il giovane Dottor Frederick Frankenstein si reca in Transilvania dove ha ereditato il castello di suo nonno Victor, il famoso scienziato che aveva dato vita a tessuti inanimati, creando un mostro. Il nipote ripete con successo il famoso esperimento, dopo avere trovato gli appunti del nonno. Tuttavia, qualcosa va storto e la creatura si rileva essere un pericoloso mostro. Il finale è ricco di sorprendenti colpi di scena. Dall'esilarante capolavoro cinematografico di Mel Brooks, parodia del genere gotico e horror.
Mel Brooks4Scene 15Scene 211Scene 317      Extension: Frankenstein, science and technological development24Scene 425Scene 531Scene 637      Extension: Horrible, wonderful monsters: Frankenstein and the cinema45Scene 746Scene 852Scene 960      Extension: From Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein68Scene 1069Glossary76