The portrait and the yellow book BEFORE READING 6 Chapter story so far. Listen to the summary of Chapters 3, 4 and 5 and mThe take notes in order to report it to your partner. 1 Lord Henry Wotton paid a ..................... to his Uncle George to get some ......................... about Dorian Gray s background: his ..................... story was a real modern romance and Harry liked influencing him so much. A ..................... later Dorian paid him a visit and told him he had fallen in ..................... with an unknown actress whose ..................... was Sibyl Vane. He had met her in a horrid and vulgar ..................... in the East End but she had a great talent. Sibyl loved Dorian very much too but her ..................... James, who was leaving for Australia, was worried about her ..................... . One evening Dorian, ..................... and Basil went to see her act. Her ..................... was horrible and the young boy decided to ..................... her. The following day Lord Henry paid him a visit and informed Dorian that ..................... had committed suicide. 2 Make predictions. Tick ( ) as appropriate: Sibyl has drunk prussic acid on purpose. Dorian will be involved in the inquest. The picture will get worse. Dorian forgets Sibyl. Basil goes to Dorian s house to comfort him. YES NO c c c c c c c c c c mListen to this character speaking to Dorian and answer the questions. 3 Who is he? ................................................................................................................................. Why is he worried? .............................................................................................................. In what way did Harry influence him?...................................................................... The Royal Opera House.