a cura di D.P. MadrigaliIt is the only novel written by Oscar Wilde. Dorian Gray expresses the wish that his portrait could get older and he, instead, stay young, charming and handsome forever. His wish comes true and the more he lives a life of pleasure, the uglier and older his portrait becomes, while Dorian himself never changes. However, the wish for eternal youth will lead him to a tragic end.
Stimulating inserts on Victorianism and other themes related to that period enrich the book.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Summing-up Activities
The Picture of Dorian Gray è l’unico romanzo di Oscar Wilde. Dorian esprime il desiderio che il suo ritratto invecchi e che lui, invece, rimanga giovane e bello. Il suo desiderio viene esaudito e più persegue una vita di piaceri, più brutto e vecchio diventa il ritratto, mentre Dorian rimane sempre lo stesso. Tuttavia, il desiderio dell’eterna giovinezza condurrà il protagonista ad un tragico epilogo.
Oscar Wilde5Chapter 1 – At Basil’s studio6      Extension: Victorianism15Chapter 2 – A wonderful picture17Chapter 3 – Lord Henry Wotton and Sibyl Vane26      Extension: The Aesthetic Movement37Chapter 4 – In love38Chapter 5 – Tragedy47      Extension: Dandysm58Chapter 6 – The portrait and the yellow book59Chapter 7 – Murder70      Extension: The theme of the double79Chapter 8 – Alan Campbell80Chapter 9 – James Vane89Chapter 10 – Death99      Extension: Dorian Gray revisited107Summing-up activities109Glossary113