a cura di R. Aimo e L. O'ConnorAn American family buys an old English castle with all the furnishings, ... including its ghost. At first they don't believe it exists but then, when the super-natural being appears to the family, they treat him with indifference and the terrible twins even play nasty tricks on him. The only person who respects him is Virginia, who manages to talk to him and sets him free from his long-standing curse.
In this amusing story, Oscar Wilde portrays the cultural clash between a 16thcentury traditional English ghost and a modern (end of 19th century), stereotyped American family.
A comic-strip version accompanied by inserts on the 'existence' of ghosts in famous castles, literature and cinema.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Summing-up Activities
Una famiglia americana compera un castello con tutti gli arredi, compreso… il suo fantasma. Quando l’essere soprannaturale si rivela, viene trattato con molta indifferenza e persino fatto oggetto di scherzi. L’unica persona della famiglia che lo tratta con rispetto è Virginia, che gli permetterà di liberarsi della sua maledizione secolare. Il più umoristico dei racconti di Wilde è stato realizzato a fumetti, con approfondimenti sulla ‘esistenza’ di fantasmi in castelli famosi, nella letteratura e al cinema.
Oscar Wilde4Chapter 1 – Canterville Castle6• Extension: Castles and ghosts: Glamis Castle15Chapter 2 – The ghost appears17• Extension: Ghost parties around the world26Chapter 3 – Life at the castle28• Extension: Ghosts in literature37Chapter 4 – Virginia39• Extension: Ghosts at the cinema48Chapter 5 – The garden50Summing-up activities59Glossary61