E X T E N S I O N GHOST PARTIES AROUND THE WORLD Halloween Halloween (31st October) is a real ghost party! In the past it is a Celtic1 party when people think that the souls2 of the dead people come back to their houses. Today at Halloween children go from house to house wearing ghost and demon costumes asking for sweets and there are pumpkins3 with candles at each window. The Lantern4 Party In Japan the Lantern Party (from 13th to 15th July) is a ghost party. People give food and tea to the dead people. At night you can find beautiful lanterns in the Japanese houses. Dancing with the ghosts In 1870 the Indians of North America start this dance, called the ghost dance , to fight against white people. In fact, white people kill lots of buffalos5. These animals are very important for the Indian people. The day of the dead people November 2nd is the Day of the Dead People in many Christian countries. In Mexican houses you can find food and drinks on tables full of flowers and candles. They are offerings6 for the dead people. 1. 2. 3. 4. Celtic: typical of Celt people. soul: spirit. pumpkin: lantern: object used to have light. 5. buffalo: 6. offering: when you offer something to someone. 26