E X T E N S I O N GHOSTS IN LITERATURE The word ghost comes from the Old English word gast and means a spirit without his body . Famous writers use spirits without their bodies in their works. In Odyssey, Odysseus travels to Hades1 and sees the spirits of his friends and then he finds Tiresias who helps him in his voyage2. In Shakespeare s play Hamlet, the ghost of Hamlet s father appears to Prince3 Hamlet one night and tells him terrible things about his death4. Julius Caesar s ghost appears to Brutus in Shakespeare s Julius Caesar and also in Richard III the ghosts of two boys appear to King Richard. In The Castle of Otranto (by Horace Walpole) we can find a ghost who creates5 an atmosphere of mystery and fear6 with his actions. The American writer Edgar Allan Poe is interested in ghosts and spirits: his stories often have ghosts and stories of death are often present in his works. Another example is Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. It is a story with four ghosts: Jacob Marley and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Gertrude, Hamlet and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come7. Hamlet s Father (J. H. F ssli, 1773). 1. Hades: in Greek mythology a place under the Earth where people s spirits go after their death. 2. voyage: journey. 3. Prince: a male member of a royal family who is not king, especially the son of the king or queen. 4. death: opposite of life. 5. creates: produces. 6. fear: the feeling you have when you are in danger. 7. yet to come: future. 37