E X T E N S I O N CASTLES AND GHOSTS: GLAMIS CASTLE Scottish castles are famous for their ghosts. Glamis Castle is a very famous one. It is about 600 years old. It is very big with more than 100 (one hundred!) rooms and many secret hiding places1. The first owner of the castle was the Lyon family and today the Lyons descendants2 still live there. Princess Margaret was born at Glamis, so you can also see her photographs and portraits3 in the Royal apartments. Let s go inside and visit some of the rooms. The Queen Mother s Sitting Room It is full of portraits and photographs of the Royal family. On a small chair inside the room you can sometimes see the ghost of a young boy. The Crypt4 This room, built5 in 1495, has got very thick6 walls and often you can find little rooms inside them. The legend says that in one of these secret rooms two men are playing cards on a Sunday evening, even if it is prohibited7. They play cards all night and in the morning the owner of the castle closes the door of the secret rooms with bricks8 and so they can t get out. Today you can hear the ghosts of the two men if you listen at the wall! Glamis Castle. 1. hiding place: a place where nobody can find you easily. 2. descendant: relative in later generations. 3. portrait: painting, drawing of a person. 4. crypt: a room under a church or a castle. 5. built: made. 6. thick: a thing with a large distance between its opposite points. 7. prohibited: a thing that you cannot do. 8. brick: rectangular block used for building walls. 15