1 At Basil s studio Chapter BEFORE READING 1 What is a picture? Read its definition in a monolingual dictionary. Then read the following sentences and discuss its different meanings with the teacher. He painted a large picture of Venice. We took a picture of the children while they were playing in the garden. The pictures of the war on TV were horrible. I have a very vivid picture of the first time I kissed him. 2 Tick the characteristics you consider most important for a work of art. c c c 3 realistic conveying feelings abstract c skilfully coloured c pleasant to look at The words below are key words from Chapter 1. They all refer to art. Find out their meanings in a monolingual dictionary and then fill in the sentences. portrait exhibit painter sitter inspiration artist a. b. c. d. His innocent and pure face provided the ...................... for the painting. The Modern Gallery will ................. several famous paintings. The ................ mixed the colours and started the ................ . The Pre-Raphaelites were a group of young .............. who reacted against the materialism of their age. e. Dorian is a wonderful ............... and I always feel excited when I look at him. Qui ci potrebbe stare ancora un illustrazione 6