2 My Lord, the Moor Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Write one of the following verbs next to its correct explanation. shine flash wake shout protect a. b. c. d. e. 2 produce light: .................................................................................................................... defend: .................................................................................................................................. to produce light for a moment: .......................................................................... to stop sleeping: ............................................................................................................ What do you think Brabantio will do after he discovers that his daughter Desdemona has run away with the Moor? Tick (3) the suggestion/s you prefer. Brabantio will: c c c c 3 speak in a loud voice: .................................................................................................. disinherit his daughter. look for his daughter and pardon her. try to find his daughter and kill her. accuse the Moor of violence. Look at the picture on p. 17 and describe the girl you see in it. Follow the hints. The girl in the middle of the room is dressed in ..................................... . Her hair is ................................ . She is (physical description) ................................ . In her hand I can see ................................ . Piazza San Marco. 15