a cura di J. Pignet e C. AiraA tragedy of jealousy, but not only. Venice has entrusted Othello, a professional soldier, with its security. But Othello is a Moor and, as a consequence, external to Venetian society.
After marrying Desdemona, the Moor is convinced by Iago's machinations to kill his wife because of her presumed unfaithfulness.
A tragedy of great passion in which the personality of the wicked character prevails: Iago, in fact, is one of the most complex and ambiguous figures of the shakespearean gallery of characters.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Summing-up Activities
Il dramma della gelosia, ma non solo. Othello è un militare professionista su cui Venezia fa molto affidamento. È anche un Moro Africano, però, e quindi una figura estranea alla società veneziana. Dopo avere sposato Desdemona, Othello viene convinto dalle macchinazioni di Iago ad uccidere la moglie, perché ritenuta infedele.
Tragedia di passioni dove spicca la personalità del "cattivo", Iago, una delle figure più complesse e ambigue della galleria di personaggi shakespeariani..
William Shakespeare5Chapter 1 – Resentful Hearts8Extension: Othello on the stage14Chapter 2 – My Lord, the Moor15Extension: Othello and the cinema21Chapter 3 – The Net for a Big Fly22Extension: Othello and music29Chapter 4 – A Perverse Plan30Extension: Venice and Othello on the canvas36Chapter 5 – Injecting Poison38Extension: Is the story original?45Chapter 6 – A Sacred Promise47Extension: Why Venice and Cyprus?54Chapter 7 – The Poison Works56Extension: The villain and his victims: who are they?63Chapter 8 – Richer than All His Tribe65Extension: Not only jealousy71Summing-up activities72Passages for acting75