6 A Sacred Promise Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Complete the following sentences inserting one of the verbs below: rob, pretend, plant, reveal, make, steal. a. b. c. d. e. f. Iago wants to ......................................... doubts into Othello s mind. He tries to ......................................... Othello suspicious. He doesn t want to ......................................... his thoughts. The ensign ......................................... to be surprised. The thieves ......................................... a purse. Someone can ......................................... him of his good name. 2 Match the words to the pictures. fleet handkerchief sword strawberry uniform 3 What will happen in this Chapter? Choose among the alternatives below the one you think most credible. Othello: c kills Desdemona immediately. c asks Desdemona for an explanation. c speaks to Cassio. c kills Cassio. Desdemona: c confesses adultery. c does not understand what is happening. c understands what is happening and tries to remedy the situation. c accuses Iago. 47