PASSAGES FOR ACTING TEXT 1 (Act 1, Scene I) Bad news for Brabantio Iago and Roderigo wake up Brabantio and inform him that Desdemona has eloped with the Moor. It is night, Brabantio is half asleep and confused. He is shocked at the unexpected news. While Roderigo tries to be civil, Iago is aggressive and vulgar. Roderigo: What ho! Brabantio, Signior Brabantio, ho! Iago: Awake! What ho, Brabantio! Thieves, thieves, thieves! Look to your house, your daughter, and your bags. Thieves, thieves! (Brabantio at a window) Brabantio: What is the reason for this terrible noise? What is the matter there? Roderigo: Signior, is all your family at home? Iago: Are all doors locked? Brabantio: Why do you ask? Iago: Sir, you are robbed! You have lost half your soul! Give the alarm, or else the devil will make a grandfather of you! Brabantio: What, have you lost your good sense? Roderigo: Most reverend signior, do you know my voice? Brabantio: Not I, who are you? Roderigo: My name is Roderigo. Brabantio: You are not welcome; I have told you clearly not to come near my house, My daughter is not for you; and now you are here, Full of supper and wine, to disturb my quiet? Roderigo: Sir, sir, sir Brabantio: Be sure you will pay for it! Roderigo: Patience, good sir. Brabantio: What, you speak of robbing? This is Venice and my house is not a farm. Roderigo: Most grave Brabantio, In simple and pure soul I come to you. Iago: By Christ, sir! Because we come to do you service, you think we are ruffians. I have come to tell you that your daughter and the Moor are in bed together! Brabantio: You are a villain. Iago: You are a senator. Brabantio: This you will answer, I know you, Roderigo. Roderigo: Sir, I will answer anything. But pray you, If you are pleased and permit 75