SUMMING-UP ACTIVITIES PLOT to the summary of Othello and complete the passage with mListen the verbs given below in scrambled order: 1 found condemned begins kills stabbed appoints suggests plots given drives takes stabs punished Othello is a tragedy in five acts. The story 1 ......................................... when Othello, a heroic Moorish general in the service of Venice, 2 .................................................. Cassio and not Iago as his chief lieutenant. Envious of Othello s success and of Cassio, Iago 3 ......................................... Othello s downfall: he falsely 4 ......................................... to Othello that his wife, Desdemona, and Cassio are having a love affair. Desdemona cannot show a handkerchief once 5 ......................................... to her by Othello; due to Iago s machinations, it will be later 6 .......................... among Cassio s possessions. Iago 7 ......................................... Othello mad and Othello, livid with jealousy, 8 ......................................... Desdemona. When he learns, too late, that his wife is innocent, he asks to be remembered as one who loved not wisely but too well , and 9 ...................................................... himself. The other characters of the play that were in some way Iago s accomplices are all 10 ...................................................: Emilia and Roderigo are 11 ......................................... by Iago, and he is at last 12 .............................................. for his many crimes. Only Cassio, though wounded, is rewarded and 13 ......................................... power and command in Cyprus. SETTING 2 Why did Shakespeare set the story in Venice and Cyprus? Try to imagine why and tick (3) the most appropriate reasons. Venice was elegant and fashionable. Venice was a very important port in the Mediterranean. Venice was famous for its beautiful buildings and fine art. Venice was an independent maritime republic. Cyprus was an important port. Cyprus was under English rule. Cyprus was at war against the Turks. Cyprus was invaded by the Turks. 72