7 The Poison Works Chapter BEFORE READING 1 How do you think Desdemona will react when she discovers she has lost her handkerchief? Choose among the alternatives the one you suppose most realistic. c c c c c 2 Desdemona will leave the palace because she is not faithful. Desdemona will inform Cassio and together they will go to the Moor. Desdemona will ask her maids to find it. Desdemona will not worry because Othello is not a jealous man. What will Othello use to kill Desdemona in a rapid way? Look at the suggestions and tick (3) the most appropriate one. c c c 3 Desdemona will defend herself as soon as she sees the Moor. a sword a poisoned drink c c a rope a push down from a rock a pillow Superstitious people think amulets can protect them. Write the correct name under each amulet. clover horse-shoe horn number 13 magic handkerchief 56