5 Injecting Poison Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Complete Desdemona s and Othello s descriptions with the words below. black Venetian heart adventurous husband beauty life daughter love service Desdemona is a 1 ......................................... lady of rare 2 .........................................; she is Brabantio s 3 ......................................... and is deeply in 4 ......................................... with Othello, her 5 ......................................... . Othello is a 6 ......................................... general in the 7 ......................................... of Venice. He conquered Desdemona s 8 ................................................... with the 9 ......................................... story of his 10 ......................................... . 2 Write the number to match the Italian translation to the following words. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 3 lieutenant ensign sword plot doubt purse steal rob c c c c c c c c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. derubare spada dubbio complotto rubare borsellino luogotenente tenente Look at the picture and answer the following questions to describe the monster of jealousy. a. What are the predominant colours of the picture? .................................................................................................................................................... b. Is the monster big? ........................................................................................................ c. What colour are its eyes? ...................................... d. Has it got big pointed teeth? ...................................................................................................... e. Has it got a big nose? ...................................................................................................... f. What animal/s does it look like? ...................................................................................................... 38