4 A Perverse Plan Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Choose one of the following: Republic to defend daughter accuses promotion senator ensign discredits love revenge general reluctantly deprived marriage Desdemona, 1 ......................................... of the Venetian 2 ........................................., Brabantio, secretly marries Othello, a valiant 3 ......................................... in the service of the Venetian 4 ......................................... . Brabantio 5 .......................................................... Othello of getting Desdemona s 6 ......................................... with magic arts. In the end he 7 ......................................... accepts her 8 ......................................... . Othello is sent to Cyprus 9 ......................................... the island from the Turks. Iago, his 10 .................................................................. , offended by Cassio s 11 ...................................................................... to lieutenant, begins to organize his 12 ................................................ . He first 13 ........................................... Cassio, who is 14 ......................................... of his lieutenancy. 2 What will happen? Tick (3) as appropriate. a. Will Othello pardon Cassio? b. Will Cassio get his high post again? c. Will Cassio accuse Iago of making him drink? d. Will Cassio accuse Roderigo of starting the quarrel? e. Will Desdemona defend Cassio with Othello? 3 Yes No c c c c c c c c c c Read the definitions and complete the words using the suggestions. Ex. small bag used to carry coins: p _ r _ _ (purse) a. b. c. d. e. f. surface of the hand: p_ _ m greeting to someone who has just arrived: w _ _ _ o m _ an area of water where ships are protected: _ a _ b _ u _ to catch in a net: e _ _ n _ r _ to speak in a very loud voice: _ _ o _ t amicable feelings between two people: f _ _ e _ _ _ h _ p. 30