SUMMING-UP ACTIVITIES A TUDOR QUIZ 1 The quiz consists of 10 questions. Each question is followed by four answers. Tick the answer that you think correct. Good Luck! a. Who was defeated at Bosworth by Henry, Earl of Richmond? c Henry V c Henry VI c Edward IV c Richard III b. What title did Richmond assume when he became King? c Edward V c Richard IV c Henry VII c Henry VIII c. Prince Arthur, King Henry s eldest son, married Catherine of Aragon. Who was her powerful nephew? c Prince Eric of Sweden c Emperor Charles V c King Henry II of France c Prince Philip of Spain d. Which of King Henry VIII s wives was the mother of his heir, Edward VI? c Jane Seymour c Anne Boleyn c Katherine Parr c Catherine Howard e. Canst thou say which fair Lady was Queen for only nine days in 1553? c Katherine Parr c Lady Jane Grey c Lady Frances Grey c Catherine Howard f. The marriage of Queen Mary, who succeeded her brother, produced no children. When she died, Elizabeth became Queen. Canst thou say when and where she was crowned Queen of all England? c 1557, Church of St Mary c 1559, Westminster Abbey c 1558, St Paul s Cathedral c 1560, York Minster g. Queen Mary of Scotland lost her head upon the block for wicked conspiracies against the Queen. Dost thou know what had been hiding beneath her skirt? c Her little dog c A book of prayers c A cat c Letters from her followers h. Of which vile disease did Queen Elizabeth fall sick? c Leprosy c Syphilis c Pneumonia c Smallpox i. What image did painters use to symbolize purity in Elizabeth s portraits? c Ermine c Olive branch c Pearls c Rainbow l. What marred the Queen s triumph over the Spanish Armada? c Essex marriage c Robin s death c Drake s piracy c Her old age 117