Elizabeth Regina
Level C1 • Post-Intermediate - Collana RAINBOWS
Anthony Boyle, Daniela Castellazzo
Edisco, 2024





The biography of Elizabeth I, Queen of England from 1558 to 1603. She was the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn. From an early age she was psychologically marked by her father’s wish to have a son, heir to the throne.
Under her reign England enjoyed a period of great splendour: it established itself as a naval power, laying the foundations of the future British Empire, it developed trade and economy and lived an age which, for its art and culture, was defined the Golden Century with authors such as Edmund Spenser, Ben Johnson, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare.
A stimulating reader that also offers information and in-depth analysis of the period.

Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Transcripts - Summing-up Activities

La biografia di Elizabeth I, regina d’Inghilterra dal 1558 al 1603. Figlia di Enrico VIII e della sua seconda moglie Anna Bolena, fu segnata psicologicamente sin da piccola dal desiderio del padre di avere un figlio maschio erede al trono.
Sotto di lei l’Inghilterra conobbe un momento di grande splendore: si affermò come potenza navale, gettando le fondamenta del futuro impero britannico, sviluppò l’economia e i commerci e visse quello che per l’arte e la cultura fu definito il Secolo d’Oro, con autori come Edmund Spenser, Ben Johnson, Christopher Marlowe e William Shakespeare.
Una stimolante lettura che offre approfondimenti, conoscenze e curiosità sul periodo.



