3 The Virgin Queen Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Test your knowledge of Elizabeth I s life. Decide if the following statements are true or false. After reading the chapter, check if you were correct. T F a. Elizabeth is remembered as the Virgin Queen because she never married. b. She intended her rule to outshine her father s. c. Life at court was very austere. d. She usually dressed very simply. e. Songs were sung in her honour and poems were written to celebrate her many gifts. f. Elizabeth loved music and dancing and was a patron of arts and literature. g. Throughout most of her reign, she played the marriage game, both with domestic and foreign suitors. h. She had a lifelong lover. 2 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c After looking at the painting of Elizabeth in her coronation robes on p. 41, complete the descriptive passage by using the words that follow. bony crowned painted dye gown orb thin thread rouge displayed marked sign symbols reddish This is a copy of the portrait made to commemorate Elizabeth s accession in 1558. Elizabeth is lavishly dressed. Her .......................... is gorgeously handembroidered with many coloured .......................... . She is wearing an ermine mantel and she is holding her .......................... head high. She is carrying the other .......................... of her divine right to rule, a golden .......................... and sceptre. Her lips are .......................... . Her golden hair is loose, as befits her unmarried state. Its colour is more .......................... than yellow. Her face is .......................... with white lead and vinegar, and her cheeks are .......................... by a .......................... made of red .......................... . And, once again, Elizabeth s much-admired hands are prominently ........................... . Her long, somewhat .......................... nose is a .................................... of her Tudor ancestry. 39