4 The Bloofer Lady Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Talking about a mysterious lady that some children meet in Whitby, Stoker uses the expression Bloofer Lady . He may have adapted the term Bloofer Lady used by Charles Dickens for Bella, one of the characters in Our Mutual Friend. So, in your opinion, what does Bloofer mean? c c c c 2 Make predictions about what you think a Bloofer Lady may do. Ex. a. b. c. 3 Slang form for beautiful . Child-talk, that is a mispronunciation for beautiful . A dialect word used in Whitby for beautiful . A lady s name. She may attract people. .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... Choose the correct answer. a. The Bloofer Lady could refer to c a dark lady c a heroine c an angelic woman c a dangerous woman c a witch c a countrywoman b. How do you expect the Un-Dead to be? Like c a corpse c a ghost c a vampire c a dead person c a zombie c a monster c half man and half beast c a normal person c. Try to predict the person responsible for Lucy s condition. c Van Helsing c Count Dracula c Mina c Arthur 4 What are the most common ideas linked to Dracula or to the Un-Dead? c c c c c c c they they they they they they they sleep in coffins usually drink rum turn into spiders like garlic and eat it live forever have sharp teeth are eternally young they turn into bats they turn into chickens they turn into wolves they die if you poison them they die if you drive a stake through their hearts c they are always middle-aged c c c c c 42