a cura di L. Giolitti e M. SillittiA young solicitor goes to Transylvania to sell a house in London to Count Dracula. It is the beginning of troubles, both for himself and his dear ones. A group of friends, however, led by Prof. Van Helsing - an expert in occultism and magic arts - engage in a fight to the death to defeat the terrible vampire.
Dracula (1897) can be considered the last of the great gothic novels in which Bram Stoker revives the myth of the vampire and creates a novel with gloomy and sinister atmospheres, where fear, terror and horror are the prevailing feelings.
Stimulating inserts about the origins of Dracula, bats, Transylvania, theatre and cinema performances on the subject enrich the book.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Key to Summing-up Activities.
Un giovane agente immobiliare si reca in Transilvania per vendere una casa londinese al Conte Dracula. È l'inizio delle sue pene e di quelle delle persone a lui più care. Dracula (1897) può essere considerato l'ultimo tra i grandi romanzi gotici. Bram Stoker riprende il mito del vampiro e realizza un romanzo dalle atmosfere oscure dove paura, terrore e orrore sono i sentimenti prevalenti.
Corredato da dossiers sulle origini di Dracula, sui vampiri veri e presunti, sui luoghi dei misfatti come la Transilvania e sulla ricca filmografia.
Bram Stoker4Chapter 1 – A Mysterious Castle6Chapter 2 – Like a Rat in a Trap17      Extension: Origins of Dracula27Chapter 3 – Mina’s Worries29Chapter 4 – The Bloofer Lady42      Extension: Bats, Vampires and Dracula55Chapter 5 – The Chase Begins56Chapter 6 – A Sea Journey69      Extension: Welcome to Transylvania81Chapter 7 – Mina’s Awareness82Chapter 8 – All’s Well that Ends Well90      Extension: Dracula at the cinema and theatre102Summing-up activities104Glossary106