5 The Chase Begins Chapter BEFORE READING 1 2 Who do you imagine the Count s next victims will be? c Van Helsing c Mina Harker c Arthur Holmwood c Jonathan Harker c Dr Seward c Quincey Morris Imagine the most striking changes that may occur in the physical transformation from a man into a vampire. Write a short paragraph using the following words: hair teeth skin lips ears ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Imagine you are the film director of Dracula and you are recording the scene of Professor Van Helsing with the others visiting Carfax. Tick your choices. a. Which of these c boxes c cushions c spider-webs objects would you include? c tables c coffins c dust c brooms c computers c candles c armchairs c skeletons c lamps b. Which of these c dogs c wolves c flies animals would you use? c bats c spiders c horses c bees c lizards c owls c rats c mosquitoes c bears c. Which of these sound effects or types of music would you play? c opening of a door c Beethoven s 5th symphony c the music of AC/DC c the U2 song Sunday, Bloody Sunday c wolves howling c Gothic or Black Metal c whispers c thunder and lightning d. Which type of lights would you employ? c candles c fire c neon c table-lamps e. What type of camera shot would you choose? c a close-up c a panoramic shot 56