adaptation by Rossana AimoDuring the mid-19th century in Transylvania, Professor Abronsius – a vampire hunter – and his young assistant Alfred try to rescue a young woman from Count Von Krolock, a vampire. He lives in a castle with other demoniac creatures. The reader is the narrative adaptation of Roman Polański’s comical movie, parody of the horror genre. The Fearless Vampire Killers is enriched with inserts about the world of vampires (Dracula in particular) and monsters between history and legend.
Teacher's Resources available online: Answer Key - Audioscripts - Summing-up Activities
Nella Transilvania dell’Ottocento, un cacciatore di vampiri e il suo svampito assistente cercano di salvare una bellissima fanciulla caduta in mano ai vampiri. The Fearless Vampire Killers è la trasposizione narrativa della divertente parodia cinematografica del genere vampiresco di Roman Polanski. Il reader è arricchito da inserti sulla Transilvania, il mondo dei vampiri (in particolare Dracula) e mostri tra storia e leggenda.
Roman Polański4Scene 1 – The inn in Transylvania7Extension: Transylvania14Scene 2 – Sarah17Extension: Dracula24Scene 3 – Von Krolock’s castle27Extension: Vampires34Scene 4 – The crypt37Extension: Ancient monsters44Scene 5 – The midnight ball47Extension: Dracula at the cinema54Summing-up activities56Glossary60